Astrological Consultations for Individuals and couples
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Life is a beautiful and natural cycle.

Birth – Death – Rebirth.

Within the cycle of a human lifetime, we experience innumerable other natural cycles.

Our outer experience of the seasons is one such cycle. As is a single day’s cycle of day and night.

The inner experience of cycles may be felt in strong emotions, recurring thoughts, dreams, and spiritual experiences.

Astrology can help guide you through your own distinctive personal makeup. It can point out times of transition and change as well as show you the general destination and duration of these experiences.

If you are in the midst of a particularly challenging moment in your life, an astrological reading may be able to provide you with additional clarity and context for your experiences.

Astrology can assist with:

•  Vocational Questions – Career choices and changes
•  Life Transitions
•  Spiritual Growth and Insight
•  Relationship Questions

Astrology is a symbolic language. The Astrological chart represents the alignment of forces / energies in place at the moment of your birth. Within the circle of the astrological chart, these forces are represented by planets, signs, houses, and aspects.

Some extremely well known inner cycles are easily seen with astrology. The ‘mid life crisis’ of the years 38-45 is one example. Transits to significant planets and areas of the natal chart can coincide with strong inner emotions and outer experiences.

We may experience a long cycle of a ‘relationship’ or ‘job.’ Or we may experience a short term ‘irritable interaction with unpleasant person at the store.’ 🙂 Both of these experiences have a story to tell within the context of our own individual life cycles.

Astrology can help us to have context and perspective about our outer and inner experience of cycles and change.

It is noteworthy that every cycle (circle) contains all aspects – easy and challenging.

Life Cycles Blog

Spiritual Practice – Concentration and Awareness Part Two

Spiritual Practice – Concentration and Awareness Part Two

This is a simple Spiritual Exercise that takes between 10 and 30 minutes. The goal of this exercise is to focus your attention and eliminate any extraneous thoughts. The method of this exercise is the following: Relax yourself. Take several calm breaths. Find a plant....

read more


Your birth information is crucial for obtaining an accurate reading.  You will need your exact birth time, date, and place.

Readings provided in person in East Nashville TN or by phone at your location.  Your questions are very important to this process.  Please take a moment and formulate any questions about your current situation that you would like to address in the reading. You will receive a digital audio file of the reading along with a .pdf copy of your chart.  Relationship readings will receive individual natal charts as well as composite chart and synastry aspects.

•  If you have not had an astrology reading before, I’d recommend starting out with any questions you may have and an overview of your birth chart reading.

Individual Reading$75

Can be one of the following:

  •  An overview of your Birth Chart and short synopsis of your current transit cycles. One hour.
  •  or a focus on your Current Transits  –  Major transitions. What’s happening in your life right now. Overview of the year to come.  One hour.
  •  Your choice of subject. One hour.

Couples Consultation / Synastry$120

  •   Relationship and partnership dynamics.  One hour.

After I receive your email, I’ll contact you regarding payment and scheduling.

Contact Us.

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    “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
    – Joseph Campbell