This is a simple Spiritual Exercise that takes between 10 and 30 minutes. The goal of this exercise is to focus your attention and eliminate any extraneous thoughts.

The method of this exercise is the following:

Relax yourself. Take several calm breaths.

Find a plant. Preferably a plant that is healthy and growing well.

Place a chair or secure seating next to the plant. You can be indoors or outside.

You goal is to simply observe the plant for the duration of the exercise.

You are to do this without thinking about anything at all.

Simply place your attention upon the plant.

And observe it.

Imagine entering a state of mind in which you calmly recognize your kinship with the plant as a co-inhabitant of the beautiful Earth. You may take a moment to consider that plants have been on the Earth much longer than humans. And that plant development has provided Humanity with many evolutionary building blocks.

Generally this state of mind could be described as a ‘kind’ feeling towards the plant. Not overly strong or forceful. But a calm, kind focus. You don’t need to think any particular thoughts. In fact, it’s better if you simply remain open minded with no particular thought.

The goal of this exercise is to observe the plant for your chosen allotted time without any disturbance (no phones, talking, etc.).

If your mind has thoughts, simply observe them. Don’t react. You may note them in your journal at the end of the exercise.  Put your attention back onto the plant. Notice if the plant moves slightly. What does it look like. You don’t need to try and think of the plant’s name or type, simply observe.

After you exercise time is over, write up your thoughts in your journal