Changing your life one thought at a time.

Whether you are aware of it or not, you are creative person. Throughout your day and night you are constantly in the act of creation. Every time you speak, think, feel an emotion, or make an action – you are creating.

If you think the same thought repeatedly, you create it in a stronger fashion. If you think a repeated thought and associate it with an emotion, the creation is even more powerful.

To a certain extent, you are built to create. The idea is to create consciously.

Meditation is a practice of taking some time each day to rest in silence.

One result of meditation is to make you aware of your thoughts. As you maintain silence in meditation, you are able to sense the ongoing chatter of your mind. This chatter can be comprised of many things: memories, thoughts, feelings, images, etc. As you continue to meditate you may discover that you can simply watch this stream of content. You do not have to participate.

When you don’t participate in the mind’s stream of content, you achieve a different level of consciousness. That level of consciousness then becomes a choice available to you during you daily interactions.

That choice enables you to create more consciously. You can become more aware of the potentially negative thoughts, feelings, actions you may be unconsciously nurturing. You may start to create on purpose instead of inadvertently.  What fruit has your creation borne in your current life situation?

“I remember one time I was driving through eastern Arizona and I saw one of those giant earth-moving machines roaring along the road with what looked like 30 tons of dirt in it — a tremendous, incredible machine — and there was a little man perched way up on top with the wheel in his hands, guiding it. As I drove along I was struck by the similarity of that machine to the human mind. Just suppose you’re sitting at the controls of such a vast source of energy. Are you going to sit back and fold your arms and let it run itself into a ditch? Or are you going to keep both hands firmly on the wheel and control and direct this power to a specific, worthwhile purpose? It’s up to you. You’re in the driver’s seat. You see, the very law that gives us success is a double-edged sword. We must control our thinking. The same rule that can lead people to lives of success, wealth, happiness, and all the things they ever dreamed of — that very same law can lead them into the gutter. It’s all in how they use it … for good or for bad. “


“Your success will always be measured by the quality and quantity of service you render… Success is not the result of making money; earning money is the result of success — and success is in direct proportion to our service.”

THE STRANGEST SECRET by Earl Nightingale


Photo by Geoff Bryant on Unsplash