
Make some time today to take stock of your immediate surroundings. Look at the people, places, pets, things, and repetitive thoughts that form your intimate environment.

Without any judgment, simply watch and listen. Observe.

These are your relationships. They reflect you. All of you. The positive and negative. The good and bad.

It may be easy to imagine that the fun, kind, loving people, places, and events in your life are the true reflection of yourSelf. However, the people and situations that you find unpleasant are often a more telling reminder of your reflections that are as yet unclaimed and unmastered.

Reflection is a practical feature of Life. Life is showing, through these reflections, your current state of being.

This is meant to be helpful.

The spiritual practice of this is once you recognize that the reflection process is happening – you can adjust your thoughts and behavior to balance the situation. The secret: Once you balance yourSelf, you change the reflections.

The outer change is a mirror of the inner balance.

An astrological example: When Mars transits your natal Uranus, you may be advised that finding an outlet for excess energy, such as hard physical work, may be beneficial. Powerful charged energy is moving through you during the transit. If no outlet is found, it may manifest in your environment as an accident – or even a confrontation or argument with another person. If you do not claim and utilize the energy yourself, you may experience the same energy through its reflection in an event or person.

A Synastry relationship example: With a Venus (relationship) placement in Aries (desire and will), you may find yourself experiencing a relationship with an energetic ‘get it done now – and my way’ partner. If the partner’s style seems too overbearing, you may be re-recognizing a need to re-claim your our own power. Your Venus placement in that instance (Aries) is showing an area in which you may become more whole.

Alternatively, Venus in Aries may signify a tendency to take your own pleasure selfishly.  The reflection in this case may be a relationship that has difficulty achieving real intimacy between partners.  The challenge there would be to learn to give the pleasure and intimacy that you wish to receive.

Reflection can let us see what we need to ‘deal with’ out in the world of matter. We may draw to ourselves people, places, and events who reflect our own un-claimed energies. And in the process of claiming those reflections and mastering them – we may become more balanced and whole.

Then we are able to reflect our own beauty back into the world.

True heaven is everywhere, even in that very place where thou standest.

AURORA: Day-Spring
By Jacob Boehme